Let God Lead!

August 9 Damaged but Destined Devotional: Psalm 16:11

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. KJV

You cause me to know the path of life; in your presence is joyful abundance, at your right hand there are pleasures forever. ISV

Admittedly and too frequently, I learned or memorized pieces of God's word in isolation from the entirety of the text that went with it. Today's scripture is an example of one that I learned in part. There was such a focus on," in the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy," that I misunderstood that God had more to offer the believer. I found that as I revisited this verse, God was promising that not only would we find the fullness of joy in His presence but that He would actually lead us on the path to finding that place in Him. Personally, I was guilty of always trying to press my way into His presence that I didn't realize there would be moments where God would grab me by the hand and guide me to Him. I should have known better since He promised to lead me by the still waters and on paths of righteousness for His namesake. I have since learned and am being reminded that God has not only extended us an invitation but He is the host that wants us to show up.

Secondly, this scripture also serves as comfort, as I have frequently tossed and turned in the spirit and natural over my purpose. As a thinker, okay an over thinker, I have wasted countless hours trying to figure things out, so much so that I have often missed being in the moment. There is wisdom in preparation but there is wasted time when we don't allow God to guide us. During this period and beyond, as we spend time in prayer and search the scriptures, God is going to show each of us the path that He has prepared for us to follow. You will be surprised how strategically God will release a scripture that is seemingly unrelated to your situation and then open up the eyes of your understanding giving you revelation on what to do. The release of Damaged but Destined as a church is the proof of this; I never saw my pain as having the potential to serve as the bricks of building a ministry or reconciliation until God showed me the path.

Lastly and transparently, God revealed to me that I have been guilty of not allowing myself to enjoy seasons of joy or blessings trying to brace myself for the seasons of suffering and warfare. I was so busy preparing for war that I had overlooked the seasons of rest. He likened me to one that is frequently holding my breath unwillingly to allow myself to be led by the paths of still waters that lead to His presence. Normally, I would have tried to defend myself, a natural reaction, but this season has been one of self-evaluation and self-examination leaving no hidden areas and my guard is down. I sense in my spirit that I am not the only one suffering from this condition and I am praying for you. Do me a favor, take a moment to close your eyes, slip your hands in God’s hand and exhale, He is leading you to greater.


Father God, in the name of Jesus, your word says; let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. Thus, we ask God that you would perfect matters concerning our lives. Lord, perfect the way we view you, the way we view ourselves and the way we view others – enhance our spiritual sight to see as you see. Perfect the way we see our purpose, the possibilities of our destiny and help us to understand your plans for us. Perfect how we respond in moments of uncertainty. Perfect our ability to trust you when we can't trace you or don't understand what you are doing in our lives. Redirect our steps in the areas where we have gotten off the path that you prepared for us.

Lord, we thank you for the merciful access to your presence. Help us to enjoy laying before you and listening to your voice. Create in us a longing to seek you with our whole hearts knowing that you will be found. Reveal to us everything that stops us from going deeper in you. Show us how to seek you in the manner that is pleasing to you. Help us to find you in the most difficult moments of life. Hold us to the path of discovery, allowing us to find you in the most unusual ways and circumstances. Small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, help us to be among those who find it. Allow us to behold your face in righteousness; when we awake, teach us to be satisfied with your presence.

Father, as we deal with the changing seasons of life, let not the enemy steal, kill or destroy the moments that you have ordained for us to embrace and enjoy. Help us to live in the abundance for which our Savior gave His life. Show us the areas of our lives that require submission, the parts that are still influenced by disappointment, hurt, rejection and life's challenges. Reveal to us how to walk in the fruits of your spirit in all seasons. Make us to know you so that we can truly hold onto the joy that you give. Remove from us every hindering spirit that holds us hostage to what was and does not allow us to fully consider what shall be. In the name of Jesus, it is so, Amen!

Kingdom Blessings and Holy Hugs,

Dr. Ki